Notary Translation
Kala Translation, in 52 languages with our expert professional translators in the field in all notary UK’s foreign partners to establish companies, stock transfers, all kinds of power of attorney, attorney’s powers of attorney, jailhouse lawyer powers of attorney, consent description, operations such as speed assignment dismissal waiver transactions and undertakings are done verbally ….
Meeting Translation
Business conventions, Business meetings, Conventions, Trips, Official openings, Cocktails, Business dinners, Press conferences, etc. is an oral translation service in the fields. In addition to these services to official and private institutions, you can review the Accompanying Services pages.
Sworn Legal Interpretation, Court, Notary, Title Deed, etc. we are sworn, legal, interpreter service rendered in the presence of official authorities.
This service for officials, private institutions, and individuals has a certificate of an affidavit, legal, commercial, etc. is provided by our specialized translators in the branches.
Tourist Translation Services
We have been supplying professional oral male or female interpreters in 52 languages foreign nationals in UK will visit tourist attractions or visit a different country in Kala Translation Bureau of the UK for its citizens.
With tourist interpreters, our customers can make tourist attractions without language problems.